Helpful Search Tips


EYEKNOWAZ is an online directory of services for individuals who have a vision loss or both hearing and vision loss. We have done our best to indicate which needs each organization provides services to assist with. This directory is not comprehensive, nor do listings imply endorsement or evaluation of programs in any way.

The home page serves as the search page. You can search by Population, Category & Sub category and by Keyword. You can search by any combination of these. If you don't select or enter anything, clicking 'Search' will return all 421 resources in the directory.

Searching by Population

Select one of the three populations from the drop-down list to limit results to those resources.

Searching by Category

Select any of the main categories first in the Category drop-down list and then narrow your results by selecting a sub category from the Sub category drop-down list. Some of the categories do not have sub categories.

For a description of the categories, please see 'Category Descriptions.'

Searching by Proximity

Enter the desired zip code and distance in miles. The results will be displayed in ascending distance from the zip code you entered. Some of our resources do not have addresses. Those resources without addresses will not display in your results if you search by proximity.

Searching by Keywords

Entering keywords searches the Name, Description and Services Provided fields. Exact matches display at the top of the results.